Doslovni prevodi

Mnogo sam se sekirao - I axed my self very much.
Pričam sam sa sobom - I'm talking alone with the room.
Računaj na mene - Calculate on me.
Čekanje u redu za kruh - Waiting all right for bread.
Ko te šljivi - Who plums you.
Ko te šiša - Who cuts your hair.
Nosi se - Carry yourself.
Tekuća pitanja - Liquid questions.
Od malih nogu - Since the little legs.
Malo prije - Small before.
More bre - Sea, brother.
Voditi računa - To lead the bill.
Samoubojica - Only Killer
Napet sam - I'm on five.
Hajde da igramo karte - Let's play tickets.
Dijelim Vaše mišljenje - I divide Your opinion.
On je svjetla točka - He is a bright full stop.
Spetljao se s njom - He looped himself with her.
Želim se nasloniti na tebe - I wish to elephant on you.
Što ti pada na pamet - What is falling on your brain.
Pucali smo od smijeha - We were shooting from laughter.
Pijan je ko majka - He is as drunk as a mother.
Iz čista mira - Out of clean peace.
Fotokopije - Foto-who-drinks.
Upala mišića - The infall of a little mouse.
Supruga - Are-railway.
Blago tebi - Treasure to you.
Veni, vidi, vici - Fade, see, jokes.
Sve što je izgubljeno, može se povratiti - Everything that is lost can be thrown up.
Pop-pjevač - Priest-singer.
Sve je gore i gore - Everything is up and up.
Sranje kroz gusto granje - Shitting through a dense bush.
Sarajevo - Sara is an ox.
Dedinje - He belongs to grandfather.
Mali Lošinj - Little bad city.
Skoplje - Castration city.
Neda Ukraden - No Yes stolen.
Ružica Sokić - Little rose Little juice.
Slobodan Milošević - Freeman Gentlefuck.
Alija Izetbegović - But I And brother-in-law escape.
Mirjana - Peace I on.
Tugomir - Sadpeacer.
Nada Križić - Faithful Littlecross.
Tihomir - Silentpeace.




20.05.2010 11:06:09
Na ovaj vic sam se najviše ismijo hahahhaahahahhahah


12.08.2010 11:26:26
glup je


26.10.2010 01:00:21
John Ashley - Ivica Pepelko


17.11.2010 01:28:02
Matko Jelavić - Well Who is the little Lion
