Month that comes after March - and the day of that month is 13:) And this is as of this current year!
06.06.2005 17:22:07
No need to apologies to me:) Don't be a square:)))
samo da kazem
06.06.2005 17:23:58
you are cool. I'll go and try
06.06.2005 17:24:01
Hoc unum scio me nihil scire:)
06.06.2005 17:26:12
Odoh i ja, dusmani me trjeraju da radim, pa vas moram pozdraviti:)
Svi ljudi dobre volje - ujedinite se!!!
SCG - do slijedeceg tipkanja!
A za sve ostale slijedi slijedeca poruka:
"Nel frattempo, silenzio e gratitudine".
samo da kazem
06.06.2005 17:29:23
Well, Aleks Does this mean you don't want to go for the rest?
samo da kazem
06.06.2005 17:44:26
Hy Lala, why so mad?
samo da kazem
06.06.2005 17:45:58
I have been watching this comments for a while now, I think you people need same fun in here.You need love to hate.
ko zna
06.06.2005 18:19:29
vic je za razmisljanje
ko zna
06.06.2005 18:24:45
Dobro imali ikoga ovdije, gdje su svi? ko zna?
06.06.2005 18:31:56
So glad I was wright. Tzacky & BiHSA (famous gays) have dissapeared. We have removed them using EDUCATION. Congartulations!
06.06.2005 18:33:23
I would say knowledge, but what do i know:)
06.06.2005 18:36:08
Education + Experience = Knowledge
06.06.2005 18:37:46
Education+knowledge=3 digit I.Q. :)))
samo da kazem
06.06.2005 18:38:52
2lud 4me, did you get scared earlier toady, you just left.
samo da kazem
06.06.2005 18:40:27
Congrats anyway, you tricked me nice. Not bad
06.06.2005 18:40:33
Me scared? Ha-ha...
This is one of the best jokes I ever heard:)
No, i don't get scared that easy, I am working and that's why i come and go as I please:)
samo da kazem
06.06.2005 17:17:29