
- Idu dva bicikla u brijeg i koji je brži?

- Onaj koji nema gepek!




22.07.2005 17:19:38
Visa si ti od nje, lelo :)


22.07.2005 17:20:04
i da li ga razumije, i da li hoce da ga razumije...


22.07.2005 17:20:33
nisam ni sumnjala, one su male ali slatke:)


22.07.2005 17:21:32
eto, ja dosla... hocu opet!!!


22.07.2005 17:22:00
odoh da ti ne odvracam paznju, cucemo se mi vec nekad...


22.07.2005 17:22:14
Sta hoces?


22.07.2005 17:22:37
Ponovo u Spaniju?


22.07.2005 17:23:05
:))) IDI RADI!


22.07.2005 17:26:48
Ok,ok,... 1evo idem:)


22.07.2005 17:28:55
Stvoren Realno Bydalast I Nevaljao


22.07.2005 17:47:34
At the end of the civil war many of these so-called mujahadeen remained on territories controlled by the Bosnian-Croat Federation, instructing Muslim forces in terrorist activities. Those activities came to light on December 18, 1995, with the premature detonation of an automobile bomb in Zenica. It is widely speculated that the bomb was meant for U.S. NATO troops serving in Bosnia-Herzegovina as revenge for the life sentence given to Sheik Omah Abdel Rahman, the brain behind the World Trade Centre bombing in New York.


22.07.2005 17:53:25
Several of the 9/11 hijackers are said to have held Bosnian passports. The New York Times [June 26, 1997] reported that one of the terrorists arrested in connection with the bombing of US installation at Al Khobar, in Saudi Arabia, had been a top commander of the Bosnian Mujahadeen, and had admitted to having ties to Bin Laden. Bosnia has long been a terrorist base. Long ignored by the US in the interests of its pro-Muslim Balkan policy, the threat is now so great that the American architects of Europe's first Islamic state have been forced to acknowledge the consequences of their own folly in a classified State Department report, which was fortunately leaked to the Los Angeles Times.


22.07.2005 18:11:48
ma hajde mudomire...nisam musliman, ali mi se mnogo toga smucilo... danas se organizuje rat izmedju religija, 'svetova', i muslimani su odabrani kao zrtveni jagnjici... ako izmuzmes naftne sheike, sve ostalo je sirotinja, pa vrli Ameri napravili strategiju protiv onih koji ne mogu da se bore... a onda se pojavila medjunarodna gerila,muslimanski teroristi... i tako.... zna se zasto se sve to kuva, pa ajmo malo okriviti muslimane...Samo, ne bih ja bio bosnjak u tom slucaju...nesto ce globalna gamad vec smisliti na temu kako su bosnjaci leglo terorista... bla bla bla


22.07.2005 18:42:35
Sto se vas dvojica "svadjate"?


22.07.2005 19:33:07
dobro nam dosla lela imas veliki pozdrav od mene pozdrav i za tebe 2lud4u...


22.07.2005 19:34:20
??? :)))


22.07.2005 19:35:23
a znaci viris jarane... :))) pa gde si ti?


22.07.2005 19:37:55
ajde lela, znam da se krijes tu negde... proviri... kako si se provela u spaniji?


22.07.2005 19:38:48
Ma znas mene malo radim malo "virim" :) Pa gdje si ti covece, nema te ko ni plate? :)


22.07.2005 19:40:46
previse gluposti je bilo ovih dana na ovoj stranici pa mi je bilo mrsko da svratim... a sto se tice plate, moja samo sto nije legla a ti, opet radis?
